So we've been having a ton of fun this summer. Jaxon went wakeboarding and motorcycle riding for the first time, fun water slides, lots of time in Gunlock, which as you can see from the pics has a TON of amazing fruit.

Thanks Gracie for bringing the water slide!

He's a natural!

THE coolest cat!

He's getting so big!

Just like her daddy! Loves to watch movies!

Where it all began! Lake Mead.

Watching Little Einsteins..

This is the best time of year at Gunlock. About 120 tomato plants. Fresh salsa and everyone is invited.

Loving the HOT weather.

Thousands of black berries.....








And peaches, pears, figs, cherries, peppers, sunflowers, onions, strawberries, walnuts, a green house, a chicken coup (with chickens that lay eggs), and..........if anyone wants to meet us there for some good food just let us know. We've been making tons of fruit leather that is so good!