This past weekend we headed on down to Vegas to visit grandma and grandpa Hardy! It took us a little longer than usual, which is to be expected since we have a little guy on our hands that demands a little more att
ention. Anyway, the trip was fun, and nice to just be able to hang out and not have to think about anything. Matt got together with all the "guys" and played Halo, watched football, and of course, went on the lake. I on the otherhand was very happy just hanging out with Jaxon and the grandparent's, watching movies, shopping, and eating some very delicous smoothies (YUM!). Grandma and Grandpa seemed to be in Heaven holding Jaxon every minute that they could (I don't blame them, he is so cuddly) Friday and saturday Scott and Diana were able to come spend some time out in Boulder City and see their new nephew and Ben was able to see his new cousin,whom he was very curious about. It was s
o cute to see Ben interact with Jax. He would always say "baby" or "toes" and point to his feet and in the car he would try to hold Jax's hand and he would try to kiss him on the forehead-it was soo cute!!.
England – Bournemouth
9 years ago
That was a fun weekend. It was nice to finally see little Jax. He is way cute. I think Ben misses him. He's been saying "baby" all day with the question in his voice, like "where's the baby?"
Wanna trade babies?
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