Merry belated Christmas everyone! So all year everyone looks forward to the holidays to relax; however, it seems like is has been anything but relaxing for us and I absolutly love it. I love how christmas time brings family together, it gives you an excellent excuse to eat all food you can, you get to hear the cheesy and not so cheesy chrismas songs ALL the time, you see old friends, etc, but saldly the bussiness is almost to an end.
Matt and I headed south to vegas for the pre-christmas excitement. We spent the weekend before santa's big day and christmas eve with my family. It was so fun to see them again! I don't get to see them nearly enough! Grandma and Grandpa Hardy...We love you!! On chri
stmas eve we headed home and unfortunalty on the way home we drove through a HUGE storm, which was a whiteout from Bever to Utah valley (not so fun) but we made it safe and sound. On Christmas morning we headed over to the Pendleton's to open presents and I definitly know who is the favorite to is all the grandchildren! All the babies made a haul and Jaxon just loved all of his presents but I think he liked the wrapping paper even more! We especially enjoyed the time being with matt's parents and his brothers and sisters this Christmas, because his parents will be leaving for 3 years to go be mission presidents, and Ana and Justin will be leaving to Hawaii for the air force for 4 years and Cami is going on a mission this spring. We will miss them all, which just means matt and I will have some serious traveling to do in the next few years! We love you guys!! Since then, we have been hanging out, having family christmas parties, and
loving the season. We look forward to the new year and hope that everyone's 2008 will be great!

Christmas is way more fun iwth kids!! Jaxon is so cute... in the pj costume he looks just like you!! It's the eyes or something!! We need to do something soon!
ok... let me say this again... I scolled down so only the eyes were showing... I don't want you to think I think you have a double chin... Though he has the cutest double chin I have ever seen!!!Sorry about that!!!
I can't get over how cute your little boy is. I am so glad you had a relaxing Christmas. You look so pretty in your pictures.
You guys are
2 cute
2 be
So We need to hang out!! Give us a call sometime!
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