Tonight Matt's little sister Cami got her mission call!! She has been called to the Rochester, New York Mission, as well as the Hill Cumorah Historical Sites!! We are so excited and happy for her! She enters the MTC on wednesday May 7th. The funny thing is, is that when we all got together tonight there was a big map where everyone guessed where she was going and Matt, the inspired man that he is chose Rochester NY! We couldn't believe it and we won a bag of m&m's (which we forgot). But I guess it just shows Matt's spiritual power haha...anyway, we love you Cami and are so happy and proud of you! We know you will do an amazing job teaching the gospel, and sharing your love and kindness with all those that you meet and come to know. We also hope that we can secretly come visit you :)
I had the chance to be in the hill cumorah pageant way back when. Se'll love it and the people. I LOVE it back there! Cool beans!
Jam she is so pretty. She will do great. I can't believe Matts parents and his little sister are all going to be gone. Wow!
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