Friday, August 24, 2007

Jax is the man!

Jax is so cool. He wakes up to eat and poop. When he's awake he just stares right into your eyes. He seems like he's older than one week. Everybody loves him! Hope you enjoy the pictures.



He is SO adorable! I'm so happy for you guys. We can't wait to meet him.

How are you feeling Jamie? We hope you're recovering quickly!


Look how cute the chubbab bubba is. Oh he is cute guys, great job! The one where he is sleeping i did a double take, he looks like Ben. Have fun with him with every moment, the newborn stage goes way way to fast!


He is so big! I can not believe it. Brooke was such a string bean. He is so cute. I hope we get a chance to see him soon. Before he gets too big:)